School Vision and Aims
The school’s Christian vision is expressed as follows ‘Together, we aim high; with God’s love, we can fly.’ It is faithful to the Anglican foundation of the school as the stakeholders who developed it, did so in response to the following teaching from the Bible ‘...But those who trust in the Lord, they will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles…’ (Isaiah 40:31). Not only is the vision theologically rooted i.e. it is related to the nature of God and of religious beliefs, but it also provides our community with wisdom and responds to our most pressing community needs.
Our vision is a living reality that enables pupils and adults to flourish. Everyone knows the vision for the community of St Ann’s. The vision is recited, and more importantly, its meaning unpacked regularly. Throughout the course of a day, it is part and parcel of our practice to remind each other of our vision e.g. before tackling new learning). The start of each new school year begins with a worship that is solely focused on our school vision, aims and values. Our vision is displayed around school, in every room, as a reference point for all who enter our building, to serve as a reminder of St Ann’s mission.
We know our vision enables people to flourish because everyone confidently and ardently talks about it, the children’s behaviour and attitudes are exemplary, interactions embody ‘togetherness’, staff direct children back to our vision to increase motivation, children achieve well, including the disadvantaged and staff plan and deliver a high quality mastery curriculum with a ‘keep up,’ rather than ‘catch up’ approach.
The trust’s vision resonates the school’s vision because it too is underpinned by theology. Both nurture high ambition and our relationship with God.