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School Committee Impact Statements

Pupil Outcomes

The challenge and support from St Ann’s School Committee, and through the way in which they hold leaders to account has resulted in strong pupil achievement. All data sets are above national, and significantly so in most cases. In spite of our changing context and the pandemic, standards at the end of KS2 have remained in line with previous data sets, with 88% achieving the expected standard in Reading, 81% in Writing, 92% in Maths and 78% achieving RWM combined. A significant percentage of pupils left working at Greater Depth (41% in Reading, 26% in Writing, 31% in Maths & 43% in GaPS). The Maths dip that occurred in 2022 has also been addressed, with 15% more pupils achieving ARE. Progress measures are 1.7 in Reading, 0.8 in Writing and 1.4.  At the end of KS1 standards across all subjects have remained roughly in line with previous years despite our changing content and the pandemic (82% achieving ARE in Reading, 80% in Writing and Maths). 97% have finished Y1 achieving the expected standard on the Phonics Screening Check (98% in Y2). 77% of Early Years pupils achieved GLD (39% were on track at Baseline) with 88% achieving the ELG for Communication, Language and Literacy. 88% achieved 22+ on the Multiplication Time Tables Check (this represents a 30% increase on last year), with 72% achieving 100% (57% increase on last year) and the average score was 23. There are no significant gaps in any subjects between PP and all pupils across the school, in fact PP pupils have outperformed non-PP pupils in the Y1 Phonics Screening Check and in Reading and Writing at KS2. Pupils with SEND, unless severe and with other complicating factors, are also making strong progress.

School Aims

School Committee members have taken a lead in the review and renewal of the school aims. Through their representation on a steering group, they have shared their views about the mission and purpose of the organisation, and analysed the feedback of all other stakeholders (staff, pupils and parents/ carers). As a result of having an excellent working knowledge of the school and its stakeholders, together with other representatives, they have drafted new school aims that ensure clarity of vision and alignment with our distinct Anglican ethos and whole school curriculum offer. The aims support the School Committee in holding leaders to account for their ambition for the school and its pupils, the educational performance of the children, and the performance of staff. Our new school aims are:

1. Education for wisdom, knowledge and character, promoting tolerance and respect.

2. Serving all God's children in partnership with the community to unlock gifts.

3. Nurturing the whole child in faith and values; promising life in all its fullness.

Renewal of Basic Skills Quality Mark 

The school has been revalidated for the Basic Skills Quality Mark once again. Evidence was gathered from various sources, including interviewing members of the School Committee. The audit identified that development points from the previous visit had been achieved. Numerous areas of good practice were recognised with the following being identified as key strengths: 

  • Assessment processes and procedures inc. formative assessment
  • Strong and transparent lines of accountability, including that of governance
  • Expertise of staff and cohesive approach in teaching and learning
  • Positive parent/ carer partnerships because of the school’s commitment to ensuring effective communication


‘The school is to be congratulated on maintaining competency in meeting the requirements of the Primary Quality Mark for English and Mathematics. The wide-ranging evidence that was provided by the headteacher, prior to the Renewal assessment, was well-supported by the those who contributed to discussion during the Renewal visit.’

Community Engagement

The School Committee has ensured the school has complied with its obligations in respect of community engagement. They have been consulted on and approved the reviewed Community Engagement Policy, making valuable contributions to the final draft. Minutes of each School Committee meeting demonstrate their commitment to ensuring strong, supportive and sustainable links between the school and wider community, and as part of the Diocesan family. Members have challenged leaders to increase attendance at parent workshops and to consider ways to engage with hard to reach families e.g. Meet the Teacher and open day. This resulted in slides being made available for those who did not attend. A Hardship Fund has been established so school can support vulnerable families following a discussion with the committee about the raising cost of living. Members have been interested in levels of staff engagement with the Trust Central Team, in particular the Director of Maths, in the pursuit of raising attainment in Maths this academic year. The School Committee have been keen to ensure children benefit from a wide range of local visits once again to mitigate the lack of these during the Covid years. Members have been interested in the number of children participating in Confirmation classes in order to be Confirmed later in the year to ensure children who wish to do so, have the opportunity to explore their faith more deeply. Finally, the school has not only continued to host the annual Rainhill Gala, but this year we have started to host Footy Factory’s Girls’ Football Wildcat sessions, and provide parking for the farmer’s market which the church hosts.