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Times of the School Day

School opens at 8.50am each day, closing at 3.15pm for Early Years and Key Stage 1 and 3.20pm for Key Stage 2.

KS1 - 32h 05m

KS2 - 32h 30m

Early Years                                                8.50am - 11.45am                                              1.00pm - 3.15pm
KS1                                                8.50am - 11.45am                                              1.00pm - 3.15pm
Lower KS2                                                  8.50am - 12.00pm                                                                                                  1.00pm - 3.20pm
Upper KS2                                                  8.50am - 12.15pm                                                                                                 1.15pm - 3.20pm

Late arrivals must enter via the front entrance and sign in. They will be marked in as late on the register. Any pupil arriving after 9.20 will be marked as late and this will be recorded as an unauthorised absence.

From September 2024 the EYs/KS1 school day will be extended by 5 minutes and children will finish at 3.20pm, like KS2.